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The Rule of Law: Will it Recover?
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What is the Rule of Law—and how is it faring? The World Justice Project offers a four-pronged functional definition.
- The government and citizens are accountable under the law
- The laws are clear, just, and applied evenly to protect fundamental rights, including core human rights
- The process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is accessible, fair, and efficient
- Justice is delivered timely by competent, ethical, and independent representatives that reflect the makeup of the communities they serve
This workshop will look at what is meant by the Rule of Law, whether it is under assault and its prospects for recovery.
Presented By...
Attorney and GCC Professor Emeritus Stewart “Buz” Eisenberg has handled complex civil and criminal litigation over the course of his career. Because of his deep commitment to due process and the notion that access to the halls of justice should not depend on one’s ability to pay, since 1981 he has devoted a significant portion of his practice to representing clients pro bono. He has served on many local boards and committees including the Ashfield Planning Board; Ashfield Zoning Board of Appeals; Ashfield Bylaws Review Committee; Franklin County Bar Advocates, Inc. (providing legal services to low-income residents of Franklin County); and Community Health Center of Franklin County. He has been a Cooperating Attorney with American Civil Liberties Union since 1981; as a Cooperating Attorney with the Center For Constitutional Rights since 2004; and President of the International Justice Network since 2007. Since 2004, Buz has represented eight men detained in Guantanamo Bay by the U.S. military. While he currently represents one Yemeni, Buz’s seven previous clients were released from their captivity in Gitmo.