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Spanish Through Art
This workshop is not currently available. Add your name to the waiting list and we'll let you know as soon as it's offered again!
Join the WaitlistLet's paint, speak Spanish and learn more about hispanic art and artists at Looky Here. You don't need to be a fluent Spanish speaker or a professional artist—just excited for both! All materials provided and classes are 100% in Spanish! With Vanessa Brewster and Hannah Brookman.
November 16 – We will look at portraits by Frida Kahlo, discuss the symbolism and her life, and then create our own self-portraits.
December 14 – We will compare Frida Kahlo's work with portraits from other artists and then incorporate different techniques into our own paintings.
Sign up for both or just one!
About the Presenter
Vanessa Brewster is an educator, artist and musician living in Greenfield, Massachusetts. She has taught Spanish for 15 years and has an M.A. in Spanish Teaching methodology from Middlebury and a B.A. in Spanish Literature from Smith College. Hannah Brookman, president of Looky Here, is a painter, illustrator and filmmaker. She produces the children’s television show “The Lovelights” and works for Montague Community Television.