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Podcasting: From Idea to Distribution

– with Alex Audette


Tuesdays, March 25, April 8-22, 6-8 p.m.
GCC Main Campus

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This workshop will walk aspiring podcast producers through the steps required to turn their ideas into polished, distributable media. Using simple equipment, basic audio production principles and teamwork, attendees will work together to conceive and launch their very own podcast pilot over the course of four two-hour sessions.

  • Session 1 will see the group come together to learn about basic podcasting principles: what makes for an interesting show? Should it be scripted, or not? And even if you know exactly what you want to say—how do you record it? Once the basics are covered, the group will decide on a subject and format for their pilot (or pilots), and designate roles for everybody—engineer, host, "guests," and more
  • Session 2 is the recording session. Members of the group will have the chance to get on the mic—or in the engineer's chair—while we turn the ideas discussed in session 1 into compelling conversations
  • Session 3 will cover basic audio editing principles while the group polishes their recordings from session 2. Attendees will learn some simple production techniques to brighten up a dull recording and make their show sound like it would be right at home on the radio
  • Session 4 will go over how to get your podcast into listeners' ears, and how you can continue to record at home. The group will learn about podcast distribution platforms that get your show onto streaming services, as well as tips for how to continue to grow your show's listenership (hint—it's about consistency!). Finally, we will talk about the future of podcasting as a medium and where to go from here (another hint: the future is video!).

By the end of the program attendees will have a genuine studio podcast recording to add to their portfolio, as well as the skills to go home and continue to record on their own. Recommended for folks with beginner-level experience in audio editing and production.

Presented By...

Alexander Audette is a Greenfield, MA-based producer, musician, and audio-visual technician at Greenfield Community College. As producer, Alex launched the GCC “Podcast Network” in 2022-23 with Backyard Oasis, a show by and for seniors living in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. Since launching that show, the network has grown to include Prep School: A Readiness Podcast, The Campus Compass and The BEACON Talks! In addition to his work on podcasts, Alex is an experienced musician with performances on multiple Boston Music Award-nominated albums.

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