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Local Black History & the Pulse of the Abolition Movement’s Past: Visiting Graves, Making Connections
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Join the WaitlistGreen River Cemetery
How can what we know about local Black history better inform our understanding of the Abolition Movement and its development? Carol Aleman's autumn walking tour of several sections of Green River Cemetery will focus on abolition and some of Greenfield's citizenry who supported the anti-slavery and abolition movements in one way or another. The tour will feature the grave sites of some dozen former members of the community. While some names may be familiar, others may not. Aleman will highlight briefly the lives of these individuals as they relate to the cause of freedom for all, while weaving within the telling some interesting, if not subtle connections gleaned from her research on Greenfield's 19th century Black inhabitants.
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Carol Aleman grew up on a dairy farm in Shelburne, Massachusetts, graduated from Greenfield Community College and UMass–Amherst, and has always resided in Franklin County. Employed for almost thirty years at the Five College Consortium in Amherst, upon retirement she developed an interest in local history. Finding little in Greenfield’s written history that addressed people of color, Carol began a personal mission to identify as many members of Greenfield’s Black population of the past with an eye toward who they were, what their lives were like and how they had participated in and contributed to community life. Marrying into a Black family in 1972, she was equipped with a starting point and despite the divorce that followed, she remained close to the O’Hare family on Hope Street. Over the next four decades, they shared fragments of their past and unwittingly prepared her for the quest she would later take and the goals she would later pursue.