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term: 202501
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seats available
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term: 202501
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starts: before today, so it's already over

Beginner East Coast Swing
– with
Emily Fox
We do not want cost to be a barrier to participation! You can take this workshop for free, but your donation makes it possible for us to continue offering similar programming for our community! Please consider paying our minimum suggested amount. (Enter 0 to register for free.)
Thurs. 2/6-3/20 (no class 2/20), 7-8 p.m.
Guiding Star Grange, 401 Chapman Street, Greenfield
Guiding Star Grange, 401 Chapman Street, Greenfield
Want to dance to popular tunes at clubs and weddings? East Coast Swing is a fun and lively dance style that's great for beginners and can be done to a wide range of music. We'll cover three basic step patterns as the foundation for learning single, double, and triple step footwork and begin to explore the elements of leading and following, No experience or partner necessary!
Presented By...
Emily Fox has taught social dance in the Pioneer Valley for over 18 years. She’s worked with students of all ages at venues including Dance Northampton, the Hartsbrook School, Paradise Dance and her studio in Florence. She’s known for teaching with humor and patience, and specializes in working with beginners—and wedding couples! Learn more at