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Communomics: The Promise & Problems of Community Economics

– with Ed Smith


This workshop is not currently available. Add your name to the waiting list and we'll let you know as soon as it's offered again!

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Wednesdays Oct. 30–Dec. 4, 4-5 p.m.
GCC Main Campus

Communomics (community economics) is an introductory series during which we will look at the ways that economics influences social and cultural issues. During the first half we will focus on basic economic principles, and during the second half we will examine their application focusing on moral and political issues in the context of community. The idea is to teach economics in a way that is understandable and applicable for everyone! There will be some light reading involved.

Presented By...

Ed Smith is an attorney and trained Waldorf High School teacher specializing in law, economics and social studies. He developed this course in connection with Northstar for Teens, the alternative learning center for high school age students in the Pioneer Valley.

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