variable seats available
views woo in stock:
term: 202301
reg type:
starts: before today, so it's already over
variable seats available
views woo in stock:
term: 202301
reg type:
starts: before today, so it's already over
By the Seat of Your Dance
– with
Kathy Steinem
We do not want cost to be a barrier to participation! You can take this workshop for free, but your donation makes it possible for us to continue offering similar programming for our community! Please consider paying our minimum suggested amount. (Enter 0 to register for free.)
This workshop is not currently available. Add your name to the waiting list and we'll let you know as soon as it's offered again!
Join the WaitlistIn-Person
Mondays January 30 – March 6, 2023, 3-4 p.m.
GCC Main Campus
GCC Main Campus
Seated dance is a form of dance where participants warm up their bodies, dance and stretch—all in the security of a chair! We start each class with a pun, joke or riddle—laughter is essential. This approach to dance was originally designed for people with mobility issues, although anyone can enjoy this type of dance form for their own enjoyment—it is a wonderful, fun way to exercise!
Presented By...
Kathy Steinem holds an MFA in Dance from Smith College and was faculty at GCC from 1994-2020, teaching ballet, jazz, Zumba and Pilates, and directing the College’s dance performing group, Mixed Company.