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Senior Symposia programming is developed by our board of senior advisors, but is open to participants of all ages. We regret that we can not accept cash or check payment at the door at Senior Symposia events. Unless otherwise indicated, all workshops take place from 2-4pm.
What people are saying about Senior Sym...
"Loved listening to his stories of life in Western Massachusetts and beyond. Great job."— Community Journalism: True Tales from Extraordinary LivesI See the Valley: Stirring the Ashes
Anika Lopes unveils the obscured and lesser-known history, dating back to before the Civil War, of Black and Afro-Indigenous residents of the Valley. Archives are brought to life by oral histories of enslavement and genocide, and of individuals who escaped or were freed and took part in military actions that enforced the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865. Acknowledgment is given to local figures who made significant contributions to arts and culture, commerce and education. Testimony is also recorded of those who provided housing for Black people newly arrived from the South.
About the Presenter
Anika Lopes, a generational Black Indigenous resident of Amherst, is a graduate of The New School University, owner of Anika Lopes Millinery, and the Founding President of the Ancestral Bridges Foundation. She combines her artistic endeavors with a strong dedication to revealing, honoring and uplifting the overlooked history of Black and Indigenous communities in the Valley.